Nothing changes if nothing changes
Stella Ladikos Stella Ladikos

Nothing changes if nothing changes

Some people thrive off change, whereas others like the structure, routine, and predictability of things in their life staying the same. If you’re like me, (where although change can be exciting, it can bring with it a bit of stress, anxiety, and feelings of overwhelm), here are my research-backed strategies for dealing with change.

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What happened to my body image while on holidays
Stella Ladikos Stella Ladikos

What happened to my body image while on holidays

I’ve just returned from a five-week trip in Greece, and while I was away, I struggled a bit with my body image. It’s super common to feel more self-conscious than usual when you’re in a different environment, so let’s talk about what I experienced, how I managed it, and some tips for you if you’re ever in a similar situation!

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Slowing down your mornings
Stella Ladikos Stella Ladikos

Slowing down your mornings

Feeling pressure and overwhelm most days? They say that “simplicity is the healing to the fast-paced world” - so how can we become more… simple? It actually all starts with our mornings. Win the morning and win the day with these tips.

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How to travel when experiencing mental ill health
Stella Ladikos Stella Ladikos

How to travel when experiencing mental ill health

Travel has finally returned to the ease and flexibility we enjoyed pre-pandemic - yay! But with the chance for travel, some feelings of stress or anxiety could be bubbling to the surface for those of us living with mental health issues. Here are some tips to help you travel when experiencing mental ill health.

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The healing power of movement
Stella Ladikos Stella Ladikos

The healing power of movement

Many experts have openly stated that exercise is a natural antidepressant. I could point you to hundreds, even thousands of studies that have explored the therapeutic benefits of movement on our health (both mental and physical).

Here’s some tips on how to incorporate more movement into your day…

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5 tips for better mental health  
Stella Ladikos Stella Ladikos

5 tips for better mental health  

Good mental health is about more than just the absence of mental illness. While we all have to face challenges in life, people with good mental health are more likely to be able to cope with the ups and downs and ride the rollercoaster.

Whatever the state of your current mental health, we should all be looking for ways to improve our mental wellbeing. So, here are 5 of my top tips for better mental health.

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Safety planning: what’s the evidence?
Stella Ladikos Stella Ladikos

Safety planning: what’s the evidence?

Safety planning can be life-saving. So, if you know how to do safety planning, you can essentially save someone’s life (or your own) - let’s talk about how!

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Why everyone should do a MHFA course
Stella Ladikos Stella Ladikos

Why everyone should do a MHFA course

Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) is the help provided to someone developing a mental health problem, experiencing the worsening of an already existing mental health problem, or is in a mental health related crisis.

I like to think of it as CPR for the mind!

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The reality of diet culture
Stella Ladikos Stella Ladikos

The reality of diet culture

Today, it’s almost impossible to escape diet culture. Every where we turn and in every corner of the internet we see content screaming about what we should eat, drink and do in order to have that dream body…

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New year, new outlook on mental health.
Stella Ladikos Stella Ladikos

New year, new outlook on mental health.

Well folks, 2023 is here. While I don’t love entirely reinventing yourself… I do see the appeal in taking the fresh start as an opportunity to renew our focus on the things that matter.

And in my opinion, that means taking some steps individually and collectively to reframe our relationship with mental health, and finally put mental wellbeing on the table for good.

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‘Tis the season - for looking after your mental wellbeing
Stella Ladikos Stella Ladikos

‘Tis the season - for looking after your mental wellbeing

The Festive Season is fun for some, but for others it might actually not be the most wonderful time of the year. I want to share with you some different tools you may like to use to cope with the holidays, depending on what you’re experiencing.

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Sometimes Eating Disorders Start at Home
Stella Ladikos Stella Ladikos

Sometimes Eating Disorders Start at Home

Sometimes it’s the words of family and close friends that can cause the most damage to self-image. In this blog I share one particularly troubling story of a young girl in this situation, and an urgent plea for parents to change their language.

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Let’s dicuss Heroin Chic
Stella Ladikos Stella Ladikos

Let’s dicuss Heroin Chic

By now, it’s likely you’ve seen the viral commentary by body positive celebs and organisations on social media in retaliation to the New York times releasing the headline “Bye Bye Booty, Heroin Chic is Back”… Let’s talk about it.

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What therapy has been like for me
Stella Ladikos Stella Ladikos

What therapy has been like for me

In this blog I share my own experience finding a therapist that suited me, and how finding the one has changed my life for the better.

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