Why everyone should do a MHFA course

Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) is the help provided to someone developing a mental health problem, experiencing the worsening of an already existing mental health problem, or is in a mental health related crisis. 

I like to think of it as CPR for the mind!

In most workplaces, schools, and organisations it is essential to have staff trained in physical first aid, but at this stage, MHFA is not considered an essential certificate to have. And oh how wrong this is!!

Before I go into what the research has shown us about MHFA training, I’d like to just point out the importance and relevance of MHFA.

Globally, 792 million people experience a mental health problem or illness each year - that’s just over 10% of the world’s population! And for every person that receives a diagnosis of a mental health condition, there are another handful that are struggling with a mental health problem but don’t seek help. On top of that, close to 800, 000 people die by suicide every year. 

So folks, chances are you’re going to be needing these skills! Researchers have estimated that it is essentially impossible these days to not be affected by mental ill health in some way - whether it’s you, someone you love, or someone you work with.

So now, let me tell you why I advocate for MHFA.

Research has consistently shown us that completing a MHFA course results in:

  • The individual has increased confidence to provide support 

  • Each individual’s perceptions of mental health and belif in stigma decreases significantly, and this flows on to the people around them too.

  • Increase in help seeking among MHFAiders as well as the people in their lifes.

If you’re in Australia, I can help you with MHFA but if you’re tuning in from anywhere else in the world, find out about your country’s MHFA program here.


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