Need some help finding a self care practice that works for you?
Self-care is often thought of as this wishy-washy thing that mainly 'sensitive' people in-tune with their feelings do
(at least that's the vibe I sometimes get from people when I talk about self-care!).
But let's just break it down to its absolute simplest form.
As the name suggests, it literally means doing things to take care of yourself. What do people go to the gym for? Mainly to look and feel good? Self-care. What do people do yoga and meditation for? To feel calm and less anxious? Self-care. The less we think of self-care as this mystic thing only accessible to a select few, the more we see that most of us are actually already doing self-care without even realising it.
Now, you might be wondering... why even bother with self-care?
Well, what would happen to your car if you didn't fill it up with fuel? What would happen to your plants if you didn't water them?
See where I'm going here? Not only does self-care help our own emotional and mental state, but if we look after ourselves, it also helps us to look after those around us too. Remember - you have to put on your own oxygen mask before helping the people around you.
This workbook is your starting point to developing a more structured, mindful, and intentional self-care plan. We'll first identify the things that you already do that bring you joy and lift your mood, and look at ways to make more time in your schedule for those activities. I'll guide you through making a plan that will stick, and give you some tips along the way!