Can I share my story with you?

With an educational background in Behavioural Studies and Counselling, I began in the mental health space by volunteering at headspace in 2015. This decision was sparked by seeing the severity and impact of mental illness on so many people around me, including the most important people in my life. 

I quickly saw the positive impact of my volunteer work; fuelling my desire to make a real difference in the world of mental health and advocacy.

When I was volunteering at headspace, I was fortunate enough to complete my Mental Health First Aid certificate. This was the very first time I ever properly learnt about mental health outside of my lived experience.

Boy-oh-boy was my mind blown! I remember sitting there as a seventeen-year-old girl thinking… one day, I’m going to be up there educating and empowering other people!

Over the next five years, I built up my experience in this space in a number of different capacities. I worked at headspace in a community engagement role, as well as in online peer support. I’ve also worked at batyr, first as a facilitator, and then as part of a team that supports their famous Being Herd program.

Fast forward to 2020, I took a leap of faith and decided to kickstart my solo path. I became a Mental Health First Aid Instructor as I knew that this was a really core competency that more people need. Later that year I founded Meraki Mental Health Training (now Meraki Wellbeing) - and I have been educating and empowering individuals, schools, professionals and community groups ever since. 

One reason that I love working in this space is because, well… I get it.

In fact, I’ve been there myself. I’ve been the person who was supporting a loved one experiencing mental ill health.

I’ve been the person (and still am the person!) who experiences mental health struggles. Not knowing what to do to help loved ones and feeling hopeless and helpless has been one of the most disempowering experiences of my life.

The first time I sought professional help for myself, I was really struggling with my body image and self-esteem, and it was starting to affect my relationship with eating and exercise. I’ve always said that seeking out therapy when I did was one of the most profound acts of self-care I have ever done. I can truly say that had I not done that, my mental and physical health could’ve gone down a much darker and more difficult path.

This is why I became a presenter and advocate for Butterfly Foundation. Through my work with this incredible organisation, I speak to young people across Australia about body image, appearance ideals, social media, and diet culture - all while drawing on my lived experience.

You’ve probably guessed it… this is also why I wanted to become a counsellor! Personally, therapy has been one of the greatest, most empowering things I have ever done. The care and unconditional support that my therapist shows me inspires me to want to help other people to tackle their challenges and get the most out of their life.

Now I am the Founder of Meraki Wellbeing, a therapist, mental health educator, and presenter with the Butterfly Foundation.

Basically, I’m your go to for all things mental health & wellbeing!