The Voice in Your Head: Is It You or Your Inner Critic?

We've all been there. You sit down, pumped to tackle your goals, brimming with motivation. 

But then, a little voice whispers doubts in your ear. "This is too hard," it says. "You'll never be good enough." Suddenly, your confidence crumbles, and that once-bright flame of motivation dwindles to a flicker.

This internal critic, that nagging voice filled with negativity, is a sneaky culprit behind many of our roadblocks.

But where does it come from, and why does it have such power over us?

Often, the roots of our inner critic lie in external experiences, especially from childhood. Critical comments from parents, teachers, or even peers can leave a lasting impact. We internalise these messages, transforming them into a harsh self-critic that judges and discourages us.

The problem is, this inner critic can be relentless. It shows up in countless ways:

  • Procrastination: Suddenly, that important task feels overwhelming, and mindless scrolling becomes infinitely more appealing.

  • Perfectionism: The fear of failure fuels the need for everything to be flawless, leading to paralysis and missed opportunities.

  • Negative Self-Talk: A constant barrage of insults and put-downs chips away at our confidence and self-esteem.

  • Comparisonitis: Constantly comparing ourselves to others, focusing on their perceived strengths and highlighting our own shortcomings.

The impact of the inner critic is far-reaching. It can sabotage our relationships, hinder our career progress, and prevent us from leading fulfilling lives. But here's the good news: you're not powerless.

Here's how to silence the inner critic and unleash your full potential:

1. Recognise and Identify: The first step is awareness. Pay attention to that critical voice in your head. When does it show up? What triggers it? Once you identify its patterns, you can begin to dismantle its power.

2. Challenge its Validity: Don't accept its negativity as truth. Ask yourself: "Would I speak to a friend this way?" Challenge its claims with evidence of your strengths and accomplishments.

3. Reframe the Narrative: Instead of dwelling on negative thoughts, reframe them into positive affirmations. "I can't do this" becomes "I can learn and grow."

4. Practice Self-Compassion: Treat yourself with kindness and understanding. Everyone makes mistakes – that's part of being human. Forgive yourself and learn from your experiences.

5. Celebrate Victories (Big and Small): Acknowledge your progress, no matter how small. Did you finally start that project? Did you overcome a fear? Celebrate these wins to boost your confidence and motivation.

We all deserve a life free from self-doubt, where you pursue your goals with unwavering determination and celebrate your accomplishments with pride. That's the power you reclaim when you silence the inner critic.

Need help getting started?

Counselling can be a great way to work through your internalised stigma and help quiet your inner critic.


Understanding Psychosis


You Don't Have to Whisper: Breaking the Silence on Mental Health Stigma